Most people
agree that the Social Security program needs to be adjusted. But not everyone
agrees on the next steps.
Security benefits used to be something all tax-paying workers could count on. A
portion of your pay would be deducted automatically from your paycheck, through
the payroll tax, and in return, you would reap the benefits of the program when
it came time for you to retire.
For many
decades, the program worked well. “Today’s employees would raise the revenue to
pay current retirees, and were assured that when their time to retire came, the
current employees of the day would pay into the system to finance their
retirement,” explained Olivia S. Mitchell, the director of the Pension Research
Council at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Why is Social Security running out?
But due to
the recent financial crisis and recession, as well as the current high
unemployment rate and the size of the aging baby boomer population, many of
whom are expected to live far past age 65, there may eventually be insufficient
money coming in from payroll tax revenue to pay out full Social Security
benefits. This has many people worried about the overall future of the system
and whether Social Security will be there for them when it’s their turn to
For Social
Security to continue to exist as it does today, Congress must figure out a way
to shore up the expected deficit in the program. Otherwise, it will have to
resort to paying out reduced benefits.
Instead of
relying on Social Security as a way to support their retirement, people may
have to depend on their own savings and investments, says Ellen Derrick, a
certified financial planner for LearnVest Planning Services. “People need to
ask themselves: ‘What can I do now to make sure I am protecting myself for the
future, a future that may not include Social Security?’” she says.
to forecasts made by the Social Security Board of Trustees, there should be
enough money coming into the program to pay out only about three-quarters of
total expected benefits starting in the year 2032. “So if you were to receive
$1,000 a month, it is projected that you would only receive $750 a month
instead,” says Derrick. “Those benefits should be intact through the year
2086,” she notes.
Will I ever be able to retire?
Part of the
reason this may occur: “The law says that the Social Security administration
can only pay benefits up to the amount of revenue that it has, so if it’s
insufficient, the government will have to figure out new solutions if it does
not want to cut payments,” explains Mitchell. And that will take policy changes.
How you can
prepare yourself
So what can
you do now to prepare yourself for the possibility that the full amount of
Social Security benefits won’t be there when it’s your time to retire?
simplest answer is to keep working. If you're already retired or close to
retiring, you don’t need to worry; your benefits are secured. “But if you’re 10
years away from retirement, it’s time to buckle down,” says Derrick. She tells
her clients who are age 55 and younger that they should not even include Social
Security in their retirement planning calculations. “If you do get it, it will
most likely be a smaller amount than what you are currently being promised,”
she says.
financial planners are advising people to keep working and retire later than
they may have originally planned. “It’s helpful to delay retirement until as
late as possible,” says Mitchell. In fact, there are already added benefits
built into the Social Security system if you defer claiming benefits until age
70 instead of taking them at 62, the earliest available age. “Your monthly
benefit could go up by as much as 76%,” she says. It is important to realize
that the age you take your Social Security benefit can vary from person to
person. This is a topic you should discuss with your financial professional to
figure out what time is right for you.
How much you’ll need to save
also recommends that people start saving more while they are still working, and
that they spend less. The recommended percentage of one’s paycheck that people
should invest in a retirement fund varies greatly according to age and
circumstances, but many financial planners advocate putting away from 10% to
20%. The more you can save, the better, Mitchell advises. Another factor is
that many people are living a lot longer than they used to. “Longevity is
increasing, and it is expected that people may soon start living to over 100,”
she notes. That means many more years of savings will be needed.
tip: Everyone who is offered a 401k retirement plan from his or her employer
with a contribution-matching program should take it. The match is free money!
If you’re self-employed, setting up a traditional individual retirement
account, Roth IRA or individual 401k account is key. If possible, you should
contribute the maximum amount those plans allow each year. “Even if you are a
stay-at-home mom, you can set up an IRA in your name and deposit income coming
in from your spouse,” Derrick advises.
What else you can do to stay on
healthy is another way to protect yourself now for later on in life. “You
should be investing in your mental and physical health, because that is your
capital,” Mitchell says. Good health will help allow you to work longer and
hopefully reduce medical expenses when you are in your retirement years.
She also
suggests that people start to think about their social capital, which includes
friends, neighbors, community and family. “In the old days, when parents would
grow old, they would move in with their kids, but that has changed,” Mitchell
says. Today, if you have friends and family who can help you, it may allow you
to remain out of a nursing home and in your own home longer, which will be less
expensive later in life, she explains.
to work part time, even in retirement, is another good idea. “People who work
part time remain mentally alert and connected to friends. It is another aspect
of successful aging,” she says.
also recommends that workers check their retirement plan at least once a year
to see if it remains on track. “If it’s not, you should adjust your
contributions, especially if you get a raise or a new job that could make a
significant difference in your salary,” she says. At times, you may find that
you have to rearrange your savings rate to take care of a child’s needs or to
set up a college fund. “But at the same time, you don’t want to sacrifice your
own retirement; you want to weigh those priorities,” says Derrick.
The earlier
you start saving for your retirement, the better, even if it’s a just small
amount at first. “People come up with all sorts of reasons to put off saving
for their retirement, but retirement is the one thing you can make the biggest
difference with if you start saving early on,” Derrick notes. That’s because
the earlier you start, the more time you have to let your money grow. (
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