Monday, December 15, 2014

Canada Finds Key to Pension Fund Investing

Omers, the pension plan for municipal workers in Ontario, owns the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel in Alberta.Credit Alain Jocard/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

OTTAWA – This is pension fund investing, Canadian style: lower management costs, freedom from political meddling and nonexistent funding shortfalls.
Such success is a goal that has eluded many public pension funds in the United States.
It is a model that has moved the major Canadian pension plans largely out of government debt in search of higher returns. That has sent them on a shopping spree of sorts of global corporate buyouts, infrastructure and real estate.
Canada has several benefits that have opened the door for pension funds to invest the way they please. The funds are generally free of government and union interference. They tend to look at the long term. And the salaries of pension fund officials resemble those of bankers, rather than bureaucrats. Perhaps most distinctive, however, is how the funds view themselves.
“We’re not a pension plan,” said Mark Wiseman, the president and chief executive of the 234 billion Canadian dollar, or $204 billion, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, which manages the holdings of the obligatory national pension plan. “We’re an asset management business, an investment business.”
Last month, a group led by a real estate unit of the Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec, which manages public and government worker pension funds in that province, bought a Manhattan office tower from the Blackstone Group in a private deal reportedly worth $2.25 billion. That was on top of a $280 million deal for two Seattle office towers.
A Canadian pension fund Investment Board  acquired Neiman Marcus.Credit Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Just over a year ago, Mr. Wiseman led a successful $6 billion bid to acquire Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman. The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel in Alberta is owned by Omers, the plan for municipal workers in Ontario.
It is an approach that has delivered solid returns. The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, a fund that manages 140 billion Canadian dollars in investments and the one that established the Canadian model, has a surplus of 5 billion dollars. It has generated an average return of 10.2 percent over the last 24 years.
“The teachers and the province and the first chairman and C.E.O. of this all agreed that we are going to run it like a business — full stop,” said Ron Mock, the president and chief executive of Teachers’, as the Ontario plan is known. “We were built for success.”
Mr. Mock said that this year, Teachers’ investments will contribute 76 cents of every dollar added to the fund, with its members and the government splitting the remaining 24 cents. While agreement is widespread that Canada’s direct investment, hands-off fund model has worked, introducing it elsewhere often can be an insurmountable task. As New York mayor, Michael R. Bloomberg was thwarted in his 2011 effort to merge five teachers’ pension funds in the city as a step toward creating a Canadian-style system.
Keith Ambachtsheer, who retired last year as director of the Rotman International Centre for Pension Management at the University of Toronto, was part of a group formed by the Ontario government in the late 1980s to reform its teachers’ pension plans. The key to making the new system work, he said, was an agreement that while the plan’s directors would be appointed by the teachers’ union and the province, its members would be selected based on their background in finance.
The practice continues. “This is not an organization that has a lay board,” Mr. Mock, the president, said. “We don’t have amateurs on our board.”
The other critical factor was the decision to avoid eroding the fund by outsourcing investments to firms like private equity shops and hedge funds. As a result, Teachers’ built its own in-house expertise. That meant that it had to be prepared to offer multimillion-dollar compensation packages.
Ashby Monk, the executive director of the global projects center at Stanford University, said that salaries paid by many funds outside Canada were limited by law. Or their boards fixate on small amounts of employee compensation “and ignore that they’ve just written a $100 million check to Wall Street” for management services.
Mr. Wiseman estimates that the cost of outsourcing a $10 billion infrastructure investment is at least $200 million a year. By contrast, he said, the Canada Pension Plan board’s in-house infrastructure group, which has offices globally, can do the job for about $51 million.
In a country where public sector salaries are closely scrutinized, the idea of highly paid fund managers was initially not an easy sell. But the financial success of the Teachers’ fund made it largely a nonissue for those that followed its model.
The manager of public and government worker pension funds in Quebec led the purchase of a Manhattan tower.Credit Nicole Bengiveno/The New York Times
To attract entry-level employees, most of the Canadian funds will match offers from Wall Street. That practice does not continue for the top officers. Jim Leech, who retired last year as Teachers’ president and chief executive, received total compensation of 8.5 million Canadian dollars. While stratospheric by the standards of Canadian public institutions, it is a small fraction of what senior executives on Wall Street, particularly in private equity, can earn.
But Mr. Wiseman said that the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and other Canadian funds had some other lures. Working for the fund frees top officers from competing for capital and allows them to focus on investing. The fund’s size and global scope are additional attractions, he said.
But what surprised him the most, he said, was the fund’s purpose: providing pensions to Canadians outside Quebec (Caisse provides for those in Quebec).
“They are proud that they are investing and making money not just for some nameless, faceless shareholder or making some rich guy richer,” he said. “For most people who are investors, their work is really kind of hollow.”
With the exception of the Caisse, which has a mandate to develop Quebec’s economy as well as generate returns, none of the other major Canadian funds are used as economic engines and they make most of their investments abroad.
“The Canadian funds are allergic to that notion,” said Mr. Monk, who has advised the Alberta Investment Management Corporation. While that has the advantage of minimizing investments that are driven by political demands, he contends that it sometimes blinds the Canadian funds to lucrative opportunities at home. Funds with development mandates in Singapore and South Africa, he said, generally outperform their Canadian counterparts.
Like money managers worldwide, Mr. Wiseman and Mr. Mock acknowledges that finding investments in a world awash in money is becoming increasingly difficult. But they also were adamant that their long time horizons (some Canadian funds view infrastructure as a 50- to 70-year investment) and size give them advantages over competing bidders.
“In areas like infrastructure, yes there’s more competition for $1 billion deals,” Mr. Wiseman said. “But we can do $3 billion deals.”
Politics and history, Mr. Ambachtsheer said, will make it difficult for countries like Norway, which are moving toward adopting more of a Canadian-style fund system.
For Canada, however, he said the biggest potential danger was becoming complacent because of the system’s success.
“Don’t get too smug about this,” he said. “Anything can fail.” (

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