Friday, September 27, 2013

Pension Funds for Elderly Conform to the Law

Jakarta Provincial Government’s plan to provide pension funds for elderly keeps being discussed. The amount of pension funds will be set in accordance with the mandate of Law of National Social Security System (SJSN).

“Pension funds distribution is including Law of National Social Security System No. 40/2004,” said Vice Jakarta Governor, Basuki T Purnama, Tuesday (9/24).

Basuki disclosed a lot of laws were made. But it is not implemented well. The cause is unavailability of the implementation procedure. Its procedure is the same with healthcare insurance.

 “Such policy will be done properly if there is a pilot in a province,” he expressed.

He continued, pension funds for elderly would be received through insurance companies. Hopefully, privileged elderly could assist in terms of compensation provision for underprivileged elderly. 

“Such compensation is firstly prioritizing on underprivileged people in accordance with the law. Privileged elderly are hoped to contribute in its realization. So if underprivileged elderly cannot pay the premium costs, we will cover it,” he uttered.

Basuki added that pension funds for elderly would be distributed until they died. “We’re going to try, perhaps it will be imposed in 2014 or 2015,” he finished. (

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